Settings Overview Print

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The Settings page is broken up into 7 sections, I will try my best to explain each of the available settings in each of those sections to allow you to make a better informed decision when making modifications to your service. This page is up to date as of version 1.4.13 RC2, future revisions will include other options which may not appear here until manually updated.


This page is a work in progress and is currently incomplete.



Server Name The name of your streaming service. This will show up in the Player API, Enigma XML output and Web Player title.
Server Timezone Default timezone to match the system timezone, also used as the default for new users to the system.
Message of the Day A quick message that shows up in player API. Some apps display this message in various places.
Show Entries Default amount of entries to show on supported pages such as the Streams, Lines and Users pages for example.
Fails Per Time Seconds. The Restart Counter on the Streams page will use this variable to calculate how many restarts occurred in the period of time elapsed.
Date Format Date format to be used throughout the system. Default is Y-m-d, which outputs a date as: 2021-07-21
Datetime Format Datetime format to be used throughout the system. Default is Y-m-d H:i:s, which outputs a date as: 2021-07-21 23:00:00
Group Streams Table By default, all streams are shown individually per server, so a stream that has 3 allocated servers will show 3 times. This option will group these 3 into a single line with slightly reduced information fidelity.
Seamless Navigation Use JavaScript to seamlessly navigate between pages by utilising AJAX requests to load the information asynchronously and replace the visible portion of content on the current page with the loaded information.
Legacy Playlist URL Allow clients to access the /playlist/ URL via /epg.php as well.
Legacy XMLTV URL Allow clients to access the /epg/ URL via /xmltv.php as well.
Legacy Panel API Allow usage of the legacy Panel API with the service.
Disable Restart Counter Disable and remove the Restart Counter on the streams page.
Show Tickets Icon Shows a Mail icon in the top right of the admin panel.
Enable Cloudflare Allow XUI to accept the real IP of clients forwarded by Cloudflare in the CF-Connecting-IP header.
Auto-Cleanup Files Cleanup Streams, Archive and Created Channels periodically, this will remove any segments or files that are no longer required, saving space.
Check VOD Cron Check all VOD periodically in a Cron, setting any broken VOD to failed in the system so it can be brought to your attention. It also does the reverse of setting VOD to Encoded if the files are available and working.
Show Images & Picons Show Stream Icons and Posters in the various pages such as Streams, Movies, Series etc.


Debug Settings

Debug Mode Enabling Debug Mode can help identify issues with client-facing streaming URL's. The debug mode will output an error code and brief description of the error so you're able to identify and fix the core issue with your settings.
Auto-Send Logs to XUI When a PHP or MySQL error is encountered within XUI, it is saved to a table in MySQL and can be viewed in the Panel Error Logs page. If you would like to automatically submit these logs to servers, you can select this option. I will periodically review the submitted logs and fix any bugs that they uncover.



Show Graphs Show CPU & Memory, Network Traffic and Connections graphs which detail the last hour of server statistics.
Show Connections Map Show a map of the world with colour coded countries with amount of connections and percentage of overall connections.
Alternate Server View Switch between the legacy Xtream UI and wider newer styled server blocks on the dashboard.
Show Header Stats Show number of connections, online users, network traffic and up and down streams in the header.



Enable EPG API Whether or not to use built-in EPG API functionality, it's free of charge and houses up to 14 day EPG for ~50,000 streams!
Append Extra Data Append additional information to EPG results, such as the title of the programme or extended description of the programme.
Days to Fetch How many days to fetch and store.
Days to Keep How many days to keep retrospectively, useful for archive content.



Disable Trials Temporarily disable all trial generation for all resellers.
SSL Custom DNS Enable HTTPS for all Reseller DNS's. You will need to do extra work to ensure SSL certificates are avaialable for each if you select this option.


Default Arguments

User Agent Set the default user-agent of new streams. The default for this is: Mozilla/5.0
HTTP Proxy Add a default HTTP proxy to all new streams.
Cookie  Add a default cookie to all new streams.
Headers Add default headers to all new streams.
On Demand Probesize Modify the default on-demand probesize from it's original value of 256000


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